Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Billfold (Bandung Pop Punk Hardcore)

Bandung's suburb Pop Punks-Influenced decided to make a new noise called Billfold, Billfold was born when Pam Al Ayubi asked Eriansyah former of SPFK and Ferin Former Of Strike First meets Angga Former Of Asia Minor, They're all known as Flower City Hardcore Scene then they pumped with a dynamic front-woman Gania Alianda to completed this new noise.Pop-punk Hardcore this is exactly what they wants, 2010 they decided to merge, form one group and move forward. Billfold's musical influence came from several bands like Dagger Mouth, Set Your Goal and H2O. In late of 2010 the group will released their first indie EP, Billfold knew they'd have to start at the grassroots level and began to work themselves to the top. Be prepared and don't miss their upcoming show tasted with their brand new genuinely terror

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(Demo Album)

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